A living, breathing magical weapon of mass destruction...
Seventeen year old Jelena has lived her entire life as an outcast because of her mixed human and elven blood. Raised as a servant in the household of her uncle, the powerful Duke of Amsara, Jelena has managed to find a measure of contentment, thanks to the love of her foster mother and her cousin Magnes, the Duke's son and heir.
But, her peace is shattered when she is attacked by a castle bully and discovers she possesses a frightening ability that manifests as blue fire blasting from her fingers. She is convinced it's a form of magic inherent in her elven blood, but with no elf to teach her, her power remains beyond her control.
When the Duke informs Jelena that she is to be sold to a wealthy neighbor as a concubine, she chooses instead to flee Amsara and strike out in search of her elven father. Her only clue to his identity--a signet ring in the shape of a griffin. Accompanied by Magnes, who is escaping troubles of his own, Jelena travels north toward the elven lands. As the two cousins near the border, they are ambushed by bandits…
Ashinji Sakehera is a young man unhappily constrained by the traditions of elven society. A lord's son and a soldier by training, he longs for the life of a scholar. For weeks he's been troubled by a dream in which a beautiful half-elven girl cries out to him for help, only to be swallowed by a shadow with glowing red eyes. He has no idea what the disturbing dream means, until one day on patrol he stumbles upon an ambush by a river...
Beneath an ice-covered mountain, an ancient entity imprisoned and unconscious for a millennium has awakened. Its only desire... to find and reclaim the key to its lost power, which will allow it to destroy and remake the material world to suit its own purpose. It knows the magical key lies within a living being, a vessel that carries the energy in the form of a blue fire...
But, her peace is shattered when she is attacked by a castle bully and discovers she possesses a frightening ability that manifests as blue fire blasting from her fingers. She is convinced it's a form of magic inherent in her elven blood, but with no elf to teach her, her power remains beyond her control.
When the Duke informs Jelena that she is to be sold to a wealthy neighbor as a concubine, she chooses instead to flee Amsara and strike out in search of her elven father. Her only clue to his identity--a signet ring in the shape of a griffin. Accompanied by Magnes, who is escaping troubles of his own, Jelena travels north toward the elven lands. As the two cousins near the border, they are ambushed by bandits…
Ashinji Sakehera is a young man unhappily constrained by the traditions of elven society. A lord's son and a soldier by training, he longs for the life of a scholar. For weeks he's been troubled by a dream in which a beautiful half-elven girl cries out to him for help, only to be swallowed by a shadow with glowing red eyes. He has no idea what the disturbing dream means, until one day on patrol he stumbles upon an ambush by a river...
Beneath an ice-covered mountain, an ancient entity imprisoned and unconscious for a millennium has awakened. Its only desire... to find and reclaim the key to its lost power, which will allow it to destroy and remake the material world to suit its own purpose. It knows the magical key lies within a living being, a vessel that carries the energy in the form of a blue fire...
[A] likeable set of characters who showed heart, and an engaging story. [R]eaders new to fantasy who liked Feist, and the Mallorean, etc, would like this too - I would recommend it accordingly.
--Janny Wurts, author of The Wars of Light and Shadow [N]onstop action and sympathetic characterizations. Moore's narrative drive and suspenseful plot twists will leave readers eager for the conclusion to this intricate and appealing tale. ---Publishers Weekly |
Winner of the 2008 IBPA Ben Franklin Award for Best First Fiction, Griffin's Daughter is the first volume of this fantasy romance, followed by Griffin's Shadow, and concluding with Griffin's Destiny. The entire series is also available in a Young Adult version. All three books in both versions are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.